The Etsy Shop is Open!


Guys, I finally opened an Etsy shop! Now you can get my prints as instant downloads for around $5!!

And yes, I know I'm pretty late to the Etsy game and there are already tons of people selling printables, but I'm still super excited to offer this as an affordable option to buy my designs.

I love Society6, but some of the products are a bit expensive (in my opinion). Now their print quality is pretty good, but sometimes you just don't want to spend a lot, you need a quick gift or you just want to switch things up a little. This is a great way to get/give new art, without breaking the bank!

Simply print on your home printer or at your local/online print center (Office Max, Target, VistaPrint etc.) And my plan for next year is to expand to other products like greeting cards, tshirts and other home products.... but for now, we'll start with printables!


If you have an Etsy account, don’t forget to "like/favorite" my shop. It would be greatly appreciated!