Catching Up...

Since I totally fell off the blogging train, I thought we should probably catch up a bit.

I haven’t been blogging, instagraming or even designing lately. Basically I've been super unmotivated and uninspired. I'm still struggling with the loss of Bosco. I've dealt with loss before, and you learn that grief doesn't really go away. It just gets pushed to the background. You learn to move on and keep living life, but then it just hits you all over again. Now I don't want to sound overly dramatic, like I'm just curled up in a ball, crying all day long. It's just a roller coaster of emotions. Most days are pretty good and then there are moments of sadness that sneak up out of nowhere. We've even been talking about getting another pup. On one hand, it feels like a betrayal, like we're forgetting about Bosco. And on the other hand, I want another pup to feel the same love we gave him and we want that loving feeling a dog adds to a home, something that we desperately miss.....

Also, the comparison bug took a big bite and it's been really hard to shake. Between loosing followers, not getting as many likes, envying everyone else's magazine-worthy homes and seeing other small shops blossom, I just can't stop comparing.

When I re-launched this blog and shop, I had all this motivation. Then life got in the way and threw us some curve-balls. It pretty much took the wind out of my sails and lost all the motivation I had. And I know instagram is just a highlight reel (I'm guilty of it too!). So whenever I start to feel that way, it's better just to disconnect and delete accounts that feel too pushy/don't bring you joy.  If you stay on that path of comparison and jealousy too long, it only makes you feel worse.

And can we talk about the weather for a moment? I don't know about you, but the weather plays a serious roll in my mood. It's been overly gloomy, rainy, chilly and it really dampens my spirits. This might be the slowest start to Spring since we moved here and I'm not happy about it. That's one of the pluses of living in the South! I'm so much for active, motivated and happy when the sun is shining and the windows are open! Hurry up Mother Nature, we all need some vitamin D in our lives! haha

Sorry for the rambling.... but it feels good to get it off my chest!

So what have you been up too? Anything exciting?

Feel free to vent about something too! haha